The sex of every child is fully determined by the father. The mother has absolutely no role at all in determining the sex of the child. Thus if a woman has all daughters, it is exclusively due to the father. Of the 23 pairs of chromosomes in every human cell, the 23rd pair determines the sex of the child. In men, at the stage of formation of the sperm cell the 23rd pair of chromosome splits into two single chromosomes called X and Y. In women, the 23rd pair splits into two single chromosomes called X and X. At the time of fertilization, if the sperm cell containing the X chromosome from the father unites with the X chromosome of the mother, the foetus is female. However, if the sperm bearing the Y chromosome unites with the X chromosome of the mother, the foetus will be male. Thus birth of a daughter or a son is solely determined by the father and, the mother has no role in this.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
What Determines The Sex Of The Child
Posted by Gladiator at 7:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: baby care, baby's sex, baby's sex determination, child care, determining sex, parent care, sex of the child
Saturday, December 27, 2008
The Beginning Of Life
You do not have to know the detailed physiology of conception and pregnancy to prepare for motherhood. But it does help to have some knowledge on the subject. At the time of conception the sperm cell from the father unites with the egg cell (or the ovum) of the mother to form a zygote(or a fertilized egg). The cells of the zygote, multiply rapidly by cell division and develop into the foetus. Very rarely, there could be some malformation in the foetus. It will be difficult to understand and accept what the doctor is telling you, but you must be prepared to face any situation.
The baby takes its charactereristics from the mother, the father and from the two families. They are specific rules which operate in acquiring hereditary characteristics. Some features like dark skin are dominant, so if one parent is dark complexioned there are greater chances of the baby being dark complexioned.
Here is a chart which tells you more about dominant and recessive genes. If one parent transmits any of these dominant genes and the other parent transmits the recessive gene, the child, will tend to possess the dominant traits in the normal course.
Dominant Gene Recessive Gene
Brown Eyes Blue, grey, green, or hazel eyes
Curly Hair Straight Hair
Normal Hair Baldness
Dark Hair Light Hair
Dark Skin Fair Skin
Tallness Shortness
Thick Lips Thin Lips
Roman Nose Straight Nose
Normal Vision Myopia
Normal Hearing Congenital Deafness
Posted by Gladiator at 8:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: baby care, beginning of life, child care, gene, parent care
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Intimation Of Pregnancy
Normally you become aware of pregnancy when you miss your monthly period. But if your periods are not very regular or if the menstrual flow is naturally very scanty, it could take even six to eight weeks before you realize that you are pregnant. There are other signs which could suggest pregnancy. Some women become unreasonably irritable, others experience nausea, tire easily or feel slightly feverish. A feeling of heaviness in the breasts can be a sure sign of pregnancy. If you normally lead a very busy life, or are quite active, you may not have much difficulty in putting up with such changes. Remember that when conception takes place a whole lot of extra hormones are released into the bloodstream, and they cause unexpected and sometimes distressful emotional changes.
You could be pregnant if:
- You have missed your menstrual period.
- You feel a certain heaviness in your breasts.
- You experience a feeling of irritability and general tiredness.
Posted by Gladiator at 9:38 AM 0 comments
Labels: baby care, child care, Intimation Of Pregnancy, parent care, pregnancy
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Preparing Yourself Mentally
Many peoples, I expect, are those who have planned their baby and are awaiting its birth. The chances are that they will find parenthood a delightful experience. Perhaps they will even feel that life has acquired a new meaning. And they are preparing for the new responsibilities that the baby will bring, both during the nine months of anticipation and the following years of joy and tension. The purpose of this blog is to clear their doubts and ease their apprehensions, as they add to their joys each passing year, and also to help them prepare for the responsibilities they will have to accept.
It is also quite possible that the baby has announced its arrival at a most inconvenient time. Something has gone wrong somewhere – or rather it has gone right in its natural course – and you do not know what to do about it. If you have a challenging carrier, the baby could upset your professional plans completely. If you are newly married and are yet to set up a home, the baby could drastically disrupt the process of finding a roof over your head.
It’s time to take a crucial decision. A decision that could either bring relief from immediate stress or one that could regret later, perhaps all your life. The decision has to be yours, taken together by the two of you.
Posted by Gladiator at 9:25 AM 0 comments
Labels: baby care, becoming a parent, child care, preparing mentally
Thursday, December 18, 2008
What young parents say on becoming a parent!!
“If I had known that just one child would involve so much work and so much tension, I might have preferred no to be a father,” could well be the frequent lament of a harassed young man. One such father continuing in the same vein that he had even forgotten when he had last seen a movie in a theatre with his wife. And that his carrier was at a standstill since the baby had come. On the other hand, try telling the same young man how much fun life would have been, if the child was not around and remind him how much he might have achieved at work – and his response might well be “no, that’s not true, I did not mean in that way. In fact, life would have been so drab and meaningless without my daughter. It is just once in a way that I complain like this.” He might even add that he is now much better organized, that the home is very cheerful and he feels so wanted.
Most young parents are in a mental state similar to that of this young father. Life with a small child can be very tiring and extremely demanding. Still, home without children is not a common choice for most young people.
Posted by Gladiator at 8:52 AM 0 comments
Labels: baby care, child care, parent care, young parents