Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Intimation Of Pregnancy

Normally you become aware of pregnancy when you miss your monthly period. But if your periods are not very regular or if the menstrual flow is naturally very scanty, it could take even six to eight weeks before you realize that you are pregnant. There are other signs which could suggest pregnancy. Some women become unreasonably irritable, others experience nausea, tire easily or feel slightly feverish. A feeling of heaviness in the breasts can be a sure sign of pregnancy. If you normally lead a very busy life, or are quite active, you may not have much difficulty in putting up with such changes. Remember that when conception takes place a whole lot of extra hormones are released into the bloodstream, and they cause unexpected and sometimes distressful emotional changes.

You could be pregnant if:

  •   You have missed your menstrual period.
  •   You feel a certain heaviness in your breasts.
  •   You experience a feeling of irritability and general tiredness.