Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What Determines The Sex Of The Child

The sex of every child is fully determined by the father. The mother has absolutely no role at all in determining the sex of the child. Thus if a woman has all daughters, it is exclusively due to the father. Of the 23 pairs of chromosomes in every human cell, the 23rd pair determines the sex of the child. In men, at the stage of formation of the sperm cell the 23rd pair of chromosome splits into two single chromosomes called X and Y. In women, the 23rd pair splits into two single chromosomes called X and X. At the time of fertilization, if the sperm cell containing the X chromosome from the father unites with the X chromosome of the mother, the foetus is female. However, if the sperm bearing the Y chromosome unites with the X chromosome of the mother, the foetus will be male. Thus birth of a daughter or a son is solely determined by the father and, the mother has no role in this.