First and foremost try to understand what it takes to be parents. Ideally, both of you should plan well in advance and get acquired with all possible requirements of the new situation. Ask your friends or other new parents about their experiences. You should prepare yourself not just mentally but also physically.
Talk to your friends and relatives about what it is like to have a baby. Both parents must get acquainted with what will be required of them. If both of you are working, you should look for a long term help, well before the baby arrives. If there are elders, examine the feasibility of their staying with you.
This kind of arrangement works in two ways. The physical as well as emotional trauma of terminating the pregnancy is overcome the young women does not have to give up her ambition. However, if you are the kind of people who are used to staying alone and cannot adjust someone staying with you permanently, discuss with each other the alternative ways and means of facing the situation. Identify in your neighborhood, a home or a person with whom you can entrust your child. These days neighbors may not be very helpful, but it worth checking if there is one who can help you, at least occasionally.