There are various techniques of antenatal diagnosis such as urine or blood tests, amniocentesis and ultrasonography. Blood tests identify the haemoglobin level in the expectant mother as well as the presence of AIDS and the HIV virus. If the woman is HIV positive there is the danger of the virus transmitted to the foetus. The Rh factor (Rh+ or Rh-) is also detected through a blood test.
Techniques of antenatal diagnosis:
· Urine and blood tests
· Amniocentesis
· Ultrasonography
In amniocentesis, a needle is inserted on the amniotic sac which surrounds the foetus, and a little fluid is removed. The cells in the fluid, are examined for the presence of any disorders due to genetic abnormalities. The sixteenth week of pregnancy is supposed to be ideal for the procedure as there are plenty of foetal cells in the surrounding fluid at that time, and the foetus is still small and likely to be injured. If the foetus is found to posses any disorder, it is still not too late to terminate the pregnancy. This decision should always be the last and taken in the interest of the family, particularly the mother. The mother and the family should be intimated the real situation so that they can come forward with a firm decision whether to keep the baby or not.
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