Maternal Age: Women who have their first child after the age of 35 years are likely to experience more problems during pregnancy and complications during delivery. Similarly, the incidence of two-egg twin formation, mental retardation, microcephaly (mental retardation associated with small skull and brain), Down’s syndrome (earlier known as Mongolism) low birthweight, and even cerebral palsy, is greater.
Genetic Counseling: Genetic counseling has become possible through advances in biology and genetics. Through amniocentesis, and chromosomal analysis in early pregnancy, it is possible to detect various chromosomal abnormalities (and these can be many) such as mental deficiency, blindness, Down’s syndrome and analysis. Parents then have the option to terminate the pregnancy and avoid the distress of having an abnormal child. There are many ethical issues involved and it is best that any decision after amniocentesis is taken jointly by parents and doctors. Of course, the mother should be consulted first and properly; every aspects must be presented to the mother and the family transparently, so that they can take a firm decision of their own.
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